Community Survey Step 1 of 2 50% How familiar are you with the Conway Public Schools Foundation?* Very Familiar Moderately Familiar Slightly Familiar Not Familiar Without doing any research, what do you think the Conway Public Schools Foundation does? (I don't know is a fair answer!) What do you think the Foundation SHOULD do?* When you think of CPSF, what one word comes to mind?* If you choose to invest in the Foundation, how does your donation impact teachers?*What is the Foundation's greatest impact?* Hall of Honor Gala Classroom Impact Grants Wampus Cat Courtyard (Bricks) How can the Foundation better connect to the community?*What is your connection to Conway Public Schools? (check all that apply)* Alumni Parent Grandparent Teacher/Faculty Community Member What year did you graduate Conway Public Schools?* This survey has intentionally been anonymous, however, if you'd like to share your email address with us to stay up-to-date with our efforts, you can share it below.* Yes, please! No, thank you. Please enter your email here.*