The district-wide teacher and classroom enrichment grant program was designed to inspire the creativity of Conway Public Schools teachers so that they may generate excitement and enable life-long learning for their students. To date, the Conway Public Schools Foundation has awarded more than $120,000 in Classroom Impact Grants to Conway teachers.
With these awards, teachers have added new classroom technology such as digital cameras and iPads; developed new hands-on learning opportunities in art, computer science, drama, foreign languages, genetics, mathematics, and physics; and supplemented course materials with resources that encourage skills in cooperative learning, small group work, reading comprehension, and team building.
Apply for a Grant
Grant Applications are now being accepted for the 2024-2025 Grant Cycle.
The deadline to submit applications is June 30, 2024.
Questions? Email: [email protected]
CPSF awarded 23 grants this year, bringing the total to
More Than $140,000
awarded to Conway educators since 2007.

The garden project at Carolyn Lewis Elementary is the result of a Conway Public Schools’ Foundation grant received by Instructional Facilitator Amanda Krell. We are so proud to see the success that it has had for the past several years.
The district-wide teacher and classroom enrichment grant program was designed to inspire the creativity of Conway Public Schools teachers so that they may generate excitement and enable life-long learning for their students.